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In the present time, the world is in need of global multiracial unity more than ever. Two issues that draw the world's attention in the recent two years (2019-2020) are racism and the pandemic of Covid-19. I consider the problem of both issues as centering on the human body (its appearance in the case of racism and its health condition in the case of Covid-19); and I propose global multiracial unity as a solution to both. With such a unity, racism should be fought by people from all around the world as the world would also unite as one entity to fight the pandemic. As Christians, reflecting upon the Pentecost narrative in Acts 2 would be fruitful to develop global multiracial unity. Salvation is for all nations, and all peoples from all races are called to be one people under God.


New Testament Theology Theology of Acts Pentecost Multiracial Unity Church Unity

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