Jurnal PKM Setiadharma 2024-10-13T13:25:37+08:00 Lewi Nataniel Bora Open Journal Systems <p>Jurnal PKM Setiadharma</p> <p>menghadirkan tema mengenai Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat. Tema bisa didapatkan dari berbagai bentuk pelayanan masyarakat secara khusus pengembangan pedesaan. Selain itu, Jurnal PkM Setiadharma juga menerima tema mengenai misi penginjilan di pedesaan.</p> PEMBINAAN REMAJA GKPM BETAET KECAMATAN SIBERUT BARAT MEMAHAMI DAN MELAKUKAN PESAN KITAB SUCI 2024-07-12T09:38:05+08:00 Matheus Mangentang Arilamson Sinaga Novelia Pasaribu Hasahatan Hutahaean <p><em>The Bible is a series of writings that God has given to man. In the Christian faith, the Bible is the Word of God and through it, the people can know what is in God's heart. However, to understand the Bible, we must use various ways to make the writings in it easy to understand. One village that faces directly from the Indian Ocean Betaet needs to be considered in the development of faith and spirituality.</em> <em>In Betaet village, the composition of the Christian and Muslim populations has gone hand in hand in the last five years. The PkM team took the segment of the youth and youth categories to become a coaching community. Coaching activities are given after first observing what is needed for coaching in Betaet. With the lecture and semi-workshop method, the PkM Team guides teenagers and youth at the GKPM Betaet Church After participating in the coaching, adolescents and young men have a practical, simple, and easy method of understanding the Bible that encourages them to regularly read the Bible in their respective homes. Thirty-six participants who took part in the training felt a change in their lives and were determined to live in faith in Christ Jesus alone. It is hoped that similar activities will be given in Betaet for the category of Mother, Father, and children so that they have a fresh, strong, and agile spiritual life in Christ Jesus every day.</em></p> 2024-08-31T00:00:00+08:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Jurnal PKM Setiadharma SABTU CERIA: MERESPONS KEBUTUHAN PENDIDIKAN ROHANI INTERAKTIF BAGI ANAK-ANAK DI LINGKUNGAN GKSI EFRATA 2024-07-27T10:05:01+08:00 Antonius Laoli <p><em>Gereja Kristen Setia Indonesia (GKSI) Jemaat Efrata, located in the East Jakarta area, Jln. Kalimantan No. 18. This is where the implementation of this Community Service activity was held. Based on observations of the results and surveys conducted, spiritual activities for children, especially in the Ephrata congregation GKSI environment, still have not been carried out because children prefer to play games and lack of concern from parents or teachers to take part in children's spiritual life interactively. As a form of responsibility and concern, the implementer of this Community Service is present as an answer to these needs. The goal is that children in the GKSI Jemaat Efrata environment live in a better spiritual life, understand the truth of God's word based on application through media, and children become a generation that fears God and has noble character. The implementation of this Community Service uses the methods of observation, survey, discussion, and is supported by literature study. The results obtained from this effort are that the children in the GKSI Jemaat Efrata environment already have an understanding and knowledge of how to be a responsible person and live in fear of God.</em></p> 2024-08-31T00:00:00+08:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Jurnal PKM Setiadharma IMPLEMENTASI AJARAN KASIH KRISTUS: PELATIHAN ALTRUISME UNTUK MEMBANGUN CARING BEHAVIOR REMAJA DI SMA SWASTA X JAKARTA 2024-07-27T10:16:23+08:00 Agoes Dariyo Ezra Andrianputra <table style="font-weight: 400;"> <tbody> <tr> <td width="604"> <p>The main problem of Generation Z is their indifference to the social environment, because they have been spoiled by advances in information and communication technology, so they have no concern for the interests of other people. This community service activity takes the form of altruism training which aims to develop caring behavior in generation z teenagers at X Private High School in Jakarta. The number of participants was 95 students (56 women and 49 men). The implementation method is carried out in pre-activity, activity and post-activity stages. Pre-activity issues were deepened through interviews with school principals, guidance and counseling teachers and lesson teachers.&nbsp; The activity period is providing altruism training. After the activity, namely interviewing the school principal, guidance and counseling teachers, lesson teachers and training participants. Data collection techniques through interviews, observation and documentation studies. Analysis technique with a qualitative approach. The results of the activity concluded that cognitively, altruism training can provide knowledge of helping behavior based on empathy for other people's conditions, so that they can develop caring behavior to show helping (prosocial) behavior towards other people.</p> </td> </tr> </tbody> </table> <p style="font-weight: 400;"><em>&nbsp;</em></p> 2024-08-31T00:00:00+08:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Jurnal PKM Setiadharma “DUTA BACA MAKEDONIA” UNTUK MENINGKATKAN KEMAMPUAN INTELEKTUAL, MORAL DAN SPIRITUAL SISWA KELAS 3-6 DI DUSUN MUNGGU LUMUT, KALIMANTAN BARAT 2024-08-28T11:43:10+08:00 Esron Siregar Julius Mangantibe Simeri Hati Sarumaha Arosokhi Laoli Netsen <p><em>This research is motivated by the fact that third to sixth-grade elementary school students in Munggu Lumut village struggle with illiteracy and numeracy, coupled with low spiritual quality manifested in behaviors such as theft, lying, and mockery. The Duta Baca Makedonias program emerges as a potential educational partner for Munggu Lumut village and local schools, aiming to empower students with reading, writing, and arithmetic skills while fostering a Christian character rooted in the Bible. Through intellectual, moral, and spiritual education, the aspiration is to cultivate a generation capable of contributing to the progress of the nation and the state. Key educational activities, including tutoring sessions in reading, writing, and arithmetic, as well as spiritual guidance through Bible-based sermons, prayers, and Christian counseling, are integral to achieving these objectives. The research employs a qualitative methodology with a field case study, utilizing observation, interviews, and documentation as data collection techniques. The analysis reveals that the Duta Baca Makedonias program has successfully enabled third to sixth-grade students in Munggu Lumut village to acquire essential literacy and numeracy skills, as well as to abandon undesirable behaviors</em></p> 2024-08-31T00:00:00+08:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Jurnal PKM Setiadharma PENINGKATAN LITERASI ALKITABIAH MELALUI PROGRAM GEMAR BACA ALKITAB DI GEREJA REFORMASI INDONESIA NGABANG 2024-10-13T13:25:37+08:00 Slamet Wiyono Netsen Edward E. Hanock Arosokhi Laoli <p><em>The "Gemar Baca Alkitab" program at Gereja Reformasi Indonesia Plasma V Ngabang aims to enhance biblical literacy among children through interactive, creative, and contextual approaches. The program involves collaboration between church leadership and theology students from STT Makedonia, who act as facilitators. By utilizing multisensory methods such as Bible reading, interactive discussions, and creative activities, the program strives to strengthen the children’s understanding of biblical teachings, while helping them apply Christian values in their daily lives. This initiative addresses the challenge of declining interest in biblical learning due to the pervasive influence of digital technology. It successfully engages children by integrating elements of technology and fostering an environment of active participation. The results show significant improvements in biblical literacy, moral character development, and children’s motivation to engage with biblical texts. The program's success offers potential for replication in other church communities.</em></p> 2024-11-14T00:00:00+08:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Jurnal PKM Setiadharma