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  • Penyerahan belum diterbitkan sebelumnya, atau sedang dalam pertimbangan jurnal lain (atau sebuah penjelasan belum disediakan dalam komentar kepada editor).
  • File naskah dalam format file dokumen OpenOffice, Microsoft Word, RTF, atau WordPerfect.
  • Ketika tersedia, URLs untuk referensi telah disediakan.
  • Teks 1 spasi; font 12; italic; tidak digaribawahi (kecuali alamat URL); dan semua ilustrasi, figur, dan tabel yang ditempatkan di dalam teks pada poin yang tepat, jangan di akhir.
  • Teks yang mematuhi persyaratan mengenai perpustakaan dan gaya bahasa digambarkan secara garis besar di Petunjuk Penulis, yang akan ditemukan dalam halaman Tentang Kami.

Writing Instructions

  1. The submitted article is the result of research that has not been done by someone else, has a relationship with the topic and scope of the Phronesis Journal in substance.
  2. Articles are written in Indonesian (EYD) or English with 1 cm spacing on A4 sheets. The top (2 cm), bottom (2 cm), right (2 cm), and left (3 cm) margins use Cambria font size 12 points except the footnotes use 10 point size.
  3. The structure of the article is Introduction, Research Methods, Discussion, Conclusion, and references. 
  4. The title of the article is a maximum of 15 words. Describe the problem to be answered by the author. In addition, it shows novelty.
  5. The author's name listed is the name used officially. The institution displayed is the official name recognized by the state. The email address shown is the correspondent author's email.
  6. Abstract written in English and Indonesian (max 250 words). The abstract consists of background, issue, objective, method/approach and results. If the article is written in English, it is no longer necessary to include an Indonesian abstract.
  7. Article keywords consist of 5 words.
  8. The length of the article is 5000-7000 words.
  9. The introduction contains the background of the problem to be discussed by the author. In addition, previous research is also shown as an initial reference in bringing up the problem to be discussed. The author needs to display the existing gap to clarify the problem that will be discussed.
  10. The research method used must be clear so that it can be understood how the author explains the problem and the discussion carried out on the problem. The explanation of the research method is limited to the methods used. There is no need to explain other methods.
  11. The discussion focuses on the issues raised in the introduction. Explanations of definitions and other general matters should be limited so that the author can focus on discussing the problem.
  12. Conclusions are drawn based on the problems and studies carried out by the author with various sources used. Conclusions are applicable and easily understood by the reader.
  13. Notes and citations are written in footnotes using reference management applications (Mendeley, Zotero, etc.). Footnotes and bibliography using Turabian 8th edition no ibid.
  14. Articles are sent by electronic submission to:
  15. Foreign words and local (regional) language words that do not have descriptions in the Big Indonesian Dictionary must be written in italic; Hebrew and Greek are written with their respective fonts according to international standards (can be transliterated).
  16. Phronesis: Jurnal Teologi dan Misi only accepts articles via online submissions as stipulated in the Open Journal System.